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Retain top talent
Innovate naturally
Strenghten collaboration
In the first 100 days new employees either
thrive or disengage.
100 days curious is journey that will revolutionize your organization's onboarding process. Our simple program empowers your organization to embrace the new and support their curiosity. By infusing curiosity into your DNA, you create an environment where employees thrive and connections flourish.
The 100 Days Curious Program helps you to :
1. Retain talent
Companies with strong onboarding programs improve retention rates by 82% and increase the engagement 18 times.
3. Unlock collaboration
Curiosity bridges gaps, connecting all levels: Unleash its power and foster understanding from the beginning
2. Boost innovation power
Harness fresh perspectives and fuel innovation: farewell costly consultants, Hi, internal innovation.
4.Build a curious culture
At the start of a new job, professional curiosity is at its peak. By nurturing it, it never falls asleep.
After 100 days, harvest data that not only fuels innovation but also supports your new hire's journey.

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